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Our Conveyor Belts are 100% locally manufactured at our world class SABS ISO 9001:2015 accredited production facility in Benoni, Gauteng.

Our manufacturing plant has the capacity to manufacture in access of 500kms of conveyor belting per annum.


This makes us the largest manufacturer of conveyor belts on the continent. 

At the heart of the conveyor belting range are the 4 basic constructions that are manufactured by Dunlop. These are: 


1.Multi-ply textile reinforced carcass conveyor belting

Strength ratings from 200 kN/m through to 3150 kN/m. The carcass has a minimum of 2 plies and maximum of 6 plies with impact absorbing layers of resilient rubber between plies. Protection to the carcass is achieved by hard wearing rubber covers of variable thickness from 1 mm to 20 mm to suit the application. The rubber covers are available in a wide range of compound formulations that meet even the most demanding specifications.


This is a general purpose, versatile conveyor belt that is suited to conveying bulk materials of all types. It can be joined endless by familiar hot or cold vulcanising processes or by means of mechanical fasteners.


2.Steel cord reinforced carcass  conveyor belting

Strength ratings from 500 kN/m through to 6300 kN/m. Protection to the cords is achieved by hard wearing rubber covers of variable thickness from 4 mm to 40 mm to suit the application. The rubber covers are also available in a wide range of compound formulations to enhance service life or provide special properties.


This construction provides the highest possible strength with lowest elongation suited to conveying bulk materials of all types over extremely long distances. It can be joined endless by a hot vulcanising process. The proprietary splice designs provided by Dunlop aim to achieve a join strength greater than the belt itself and should last the lifetime of the belt.


3.Solid woven carcass conveyor belting

Strength ratings from 800 kN/m through to 3150 kN/m. Protection to the solid woven PVC impregnated carcass is achieved by hard wearing, fire retardant synthetic rubber covers of variable thickness from 1 mm to 6 mm to suit the application.


This conveyor belting meets the most stringent fire retardant standards. The construction has excellent rip and tear resistance. It is particularly suited to conveying coal in underground mines. The belt can be joined by hot finger splice process or by mechanical fasteners.


4. Straight warp carcass conveyor belting

Strength ratings from 315 kN/m through to 800 kN/m in a single ply EpP (Polyester) carcass or from 1000 kN/m to 3500 kN/m in a single ply DpP (Aramid) carcass. Protection to the carcass is achieved by hard wearing rubber covers of variable thickness from 2 mm to 12 mm to suit the application.

This carcass has extreme impact resistance and the lowest strength to mass ratio of any conveyor belting. It can be joined by hot vulcanised finger splice process or by mechanical fasteners. This is an extremely versatile construction suited to conveying all types of bulk materials over any distance. It performs extremely efficiently even in the worst possible conditions.

Details of these constructions and the range of covers available can be found in the Dunlop Belting Products portfolio.

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