It is often said the future belongs to the youth and at Dunlop Belting Products, we firmly believe that our youth will lead us to an even more prosperous future. It is no wonder that close on 50% of our employees are under 35 years of age.
At Dunlop Belting Products we afford our employees opportunities for further training and development because we acknowledge and appreciate that innovation is certain, when there is enough curiosity that is backedby the correct knowledge and guidance. ‘’When our customers needed enclosed conveyor belting systems, our Laboratory Department, all of whom are under 35 years old, set out to develop a belt that is locally manufactured with better adhesion and abrasion than imported belts”, said Pierre Maritz, Operations Director excitedly.
“In developing our enclosed conveyor belt system, we were very pedantic with testing our compound to ensure compliance to our specifications”, pointed out Vareshen Naidoo, affectionately known as Vicky, Vicky, Technical Manager for Dunlop Belting Products. Dunlop Belting Products Laboratory, of which is one of the departments he heads, is considered the best F3 testing facility in Southern Africa.

With our deep understanding of compounds and fabric use to manufacture belts for any purpo se, our Laboratory Team were able to deduce which compound would be best to manufacture a belt that can bend into the shape of a pocket and numerous tests later, the specification of the compound was confirmed. ‘’On paper, we kicked imported conveyors out of the water’’, said Vicky.
The Laboratory Team will be monitoring the installation and utilization of Dunlop Belting Products’ Glyder enclosed conveyor belt to measure its performance.
To be the only manufacturer of a locally produced enclosed conveyor belt is a truly exciting development for Dunlop Belting Products – another reminder why we are the only South African
Conveyer Belt Manufacturer to be certified for local content of production in mining products.
For more information on our conveyor belt product line, please contact Belting@dbp.co.za